Selasa, 29 Mac 2011

Treasure Hunt

At first when i saw the flyer, i was like woaaa,,, this could by fun. Then i say why not i join it. It is a kind of experience. Me, Azand, Izat and Azand friends enter the compettion. we have to reach to 10 checkpoint and each checkpoint have a different types of challange awaiting us. The one that i will always remember is when each one of us have to ate 4 kind of thing, that is raw onion, chili, "cencalok" and "belacan". Since Izat have already pick the chili then i choose to ate the "cencalok". Guess what...?? it is awfully tasty, nyum nyum. It makes me want to have some more. Are you kidding me!!! it makes me feel like i want to puke and cry at the same time. The range from 1 checkpoint to another is killing me, deep down in my heart i just want to quit. Whosoever made this compettion must be from hell, it is a "TORMENT".hahaha. Even during the compettion we have a few setbacks, at last we make it to the finish. We're the 7th team to arrive, if it's not because of the "ketupat" we could have got the top 5. Well of course it make me really tired, but it is an experience lol.. One thing money cant buy in this modern world.

Isnin, 28 Mac 2011


Was born on 24 oct 90. Since childhood i am a silent kid, sometimes my parents friends says that i was born without voice. Dont do much of the talk, i rather listen  then talking. I love to be in a place where it is calm and silent. Dont like to depend so much on other people, especially my parents, i rather to do thing on my own, in my unique ways. Its not that i dont love them, but it is who i am. People may think that i'm not friendly or hard to socialize. I dont know why, but i feel comfortable and safe. I will only socialize with the people that i already know and the people who i love. One thing for sure, dont mess with me or i will clean you up.