Sabtu, 2 April 2011


Heroes list
The real name is actually Defense Of The Ancient (DOTA). Adapted from the game Warcraft, it is a strategic game where player only control 1 hero, not one unit in any other strategic game. I started playing this game since i was in form 4, back then i was 15 and now i'm already 21. It has been 6 years i am enjoying this game. It is a fun strategic game where we need to always communicate with our friends during play, to kill the opponent. All you need is teamwork to win this game and the vital asset to win is our friends. sometimes we need to sacrifice our self in order for our team to win. It doesn't matter what type of heroes you got, as long as you apply teamwork in playing.. I'm enjoying this game, it require an amount of effort and teamwork and today i'm addicted to this drug called DOTA,DOTA,DOTA. soon enough i will become zombie. hehe

Man of courage.

Dancer boys.
It started out in the first sem in my studies,  i'm kind of freshie that time. Still got a lot more to learn to survive there.One day my collage (RS) calling all part 1 student in order to find the volunteer for the upcoming event. Well for me, i got no big deal in joining any event, then suddenly they tell us that the event with no volunteer is  a traditonal dancing.. i was like, woahhh.!!! Are you crazy, dancing is not for me. Neither one of us raising our hand to be the volunteer. Then her face change bacause there is no one ready to volunteer themselves, she started to get angry and yelling at us about the pro and con in joining this activity. I think half of us started to believe what she said then, one after one person raising their hand. I thought its over already, but she says it still got 2 place left. Then my friends says to me that "if u raise ur hand, i'll raise mine" it was like fuyoooh... someone is challenging me. Well because of my ego, i raise my hand, in just a split second i regret it, i was sayin to my self, "what am i doing". From that night i already lost the old me, starting training for the dancing, it is hard, really2 hard. I hardly got enough sleep. But after all the hardworks i put to get it done, i finally pull it off. It worth the effort, my team is the winner for that night.. fuhhh it is sweet to win. :) I can hardly believe it that for the type of person that never dance like me, can win the competition. It is a great experience for me, before this i never know that i can dance. Well thanks to my friends for challanging me, eventhough i regret it. hehe.


Global positioning system (GPS) is a navigation system that consists of one or more earth based receivers that accept and analyze signals sent by satellites in order to determine the receivers geographic location. A GPS receiver is a handheld, mountable, or embedded device that contains an antenna, a radio receiver, and a processor. Many mobile devices such as smart phones have GPS capability built into the devices or as an add-on feature. The first and most used application of GPS technology is to assist people with determining where they are located. The data obtained from a GPS, however it can be applied to a variety of other uses such as creating a map, ascertaining the best route between two points, locating a lost person or stolen object, monitoring the movement of a person or object, determining altitude, and calculating speed. Many vehicles use GPS to provide drivers with directions or other information, such as alternate traffic routes, automatically call for help is the airbag is deployed, dispatch roadside assistance, unlock the driver's side door if keys are locked in the cars, and track the vehicle if it is stolen. Some GPS receivers work in conjunction with cellular wireless network. Parents, for example, can locate a child's whereabouts through a cell phone equipped with a GPS receiver.

Selasa, 29 Mac 2011

Treasure Hunt

At first when i saw the flyer, i was like woaaa,,, this could by fun. Then i say why not i join it. It is a kind of experience. Me, Azand, Izat and Azand friends enter the compettion. we have to reach to 10 checkpoint and each checkpoint have a different types of challange awaiting us. The one that i will always remember is when each one of us have to ate 4 kind of thing, that is raw onion, chili, "cencalok" and "belacan". Since Izat have already pick the chili then i choose to ate the "cencalok". Guess what...?? it is awfully tasty, nyum nyum. It makes me want to have some more. Are you kidding me!!! it makes me feel like i want to puke and cry at the same time. The range from 1 checkpoint to another is killing me, deep down in my heart i just want to quit. Whosoever made this compettion must be from hell, it is a "TORMENT".hahaha. Even during the compettion we have a few setbacks, at last we make it to the finish. We're the 7th team to arrive, if it's not because of the "ketupat" we could have got the top 5. Well of course it make me really tired, but it is an experience lol.. One thing money cant buy in this modern world.

Isnin, 28 Mac 2011


Was born on 24 oct 90. Since childhood i am a silent kid, sometimes my parents friends says that i was born without voice. Dont do much of the talk, i rather listen  then talking. I love to be in a place where it is calm and silent. Dont like to depend so much on other people, especially my parents, i rather to do thing on my own, in my unique ways. Its not that i dont love them, but it is who i am. People may think that i'm not friendly or hard to socialize. I dont know why, but i feel comfortable and safe. I will only socialize with the people that i already know and the people who i love. One thing for sure, dont mess with me or i will clean you up.