Sabtu, 2 April 2011


Global positioning system (GPS) is a navigation system that consists of one or more earth based receivers that accept and analyze signals sent by satellites in order to determine the receivers geographic location. A GPS receiver is a handheld, mountable, or embedded device that contains an antenna, a radio receiver, and a processor. Many mobile devices such as smart phones have GPS capability built into the devices or as an add-on feature. The first and most used application of GPS technology is to assist people with determining where they are located. The data obtained from a GPS, however it can be applied to a variety of other uses such as creating a map, ascertaining the best route between two points, locating a lost person or stolen object, monitoring the movement of a person or object, determining altitude, and calculating speed. Many vehicles use GPS to provide drivers with directions or other information, such as alternate traffic routes, automatically call for help is the airbag is deployed, dispatch roadside assistance, unlock the driver's side door if keys are locked in the cars, and track the vehicle if it is stolen. Some GPS receivers work in conjunction with cellular wireless network. Parents, for example, can locate a child's whereabouts through a cell phone equipped with a GPS receiver.

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